Sunday, March 11, 2007

Now that DST has occurred ......

Now that the DST time change has occurred there are a few things you should check and monitor. Here’s a short list.

1. Check the time on your computer. If it’s right, good. If it’s not, double click on the tine and set the time manually. Make a note of the computers that you have to do this to as it indicates the DST patch was not installed. The patch can and should still be installed.

2. If after you set the time on your computer the time reverts back to the wrong time, you probably need to check the time on your servers. If it is wrong, you can manually set it but give us a call as this indicates that the DST patch has not been installed on that server.

3. Check your Outlook appointments. If they are correct, good. If not, you can manually fix the appointments or you can run the Outlook DST tool which we can send you. Keep your eye on your reminders as well.

4. If you use any other scheduling programs (that means you VNAs), check the schedules to insure they are correct. All appointments and schedules should be suspect until verified.

5. Remember that even if you took care of all the DST stuff and your systems are fine, others may not have dealt with the DST changes. If you use meeting invitations to either invite others to meetings or if they send you meeting invites, you need to keep your eye on the meeting times and verify everyone invited to the meeting has the correct time.

6. Check your phone and voice mail systems. Many of them may not have handled the DST changes. If your phone system is not switching to day and night mode properly, the problem is probably that the DST transition did not occur.

7. I have found that if applications were running on your desktop when the time changed, those applications may not operate properly until they are restarted.

8. Continue to monitor your system backup to make sure everything is working correctly. DST changes can affect them.

9. Check your watch and other clocks.

10. Please change the batteries in your smoke detectors!

And of course feel free to contact us if you have any questions.