Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blogging From Word 2007

I was reading a few Blogs this morning and came across one that reminded me that Microsoft added a Blogging feature to Word 2007. This feature allows you to Blog directly from Word 2007. This is nice because I can take advantage of spell check and other tools built into Word. It's also nice because I can create Blog articles off line and post them later. This Blog Entry was created in Word 2007.

I also use Windows Live Writer which is another off-line Microsoft tool created for Bloggers. I will toggle between the two of them over the next few Blog articles to see which one I like the best. It's getting easier and easier to Blog. And it's a great way to keep in touch with your stakeholders. Do you have a Blog? Let me know if you would like some help getting one started.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Spam and Viruses On the Upswing

We have been seeing a fairly high increase in Client machines that are infected with various types of malware. It's not just us. The industry as a whole is seeing the same thing. It looks like for the moment the bad guys are winning. Current spam and virus detection tools are just not keeping up. This article confirms what we have been seeing.

Of course you still want to make sure that you have current anti-spam and anti-virus programs on all your computers. And make sure that users have a good understanding of how and where malware can come from. And let's hope that the good guys can get ahead of the game sometime soon.