Thursday, February 24, 2005

Microsoft Is Clamping Down On Piracy

Microsoft has a very active effort going on to fight software piracy. While this can cause headaches for legitimate users, I do understand their problem. Do you realize that in some countries the piracy rate is over 90%? I think I would be doing something too!

Recently, they have changed their update process to check to make sure the update is being applied on legitimate copies of the software. They have also made changes to Windows XP product activation that are designed to catch pirated copies before they get in the hands of unknowing end users.

Microsoft is also involved in several law suits with PC vendors that have been installing pirated copies of their products on computers the vendor builds.

While this will probably cause some pain for legal users of Microsoft products, it is certainly understandable.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

New Internet Explorer On The Way

Bill Gates announced that IE 7 will be available sometime next year. The beta testing of the product will begin this summer. Some interesting notes. IE7 will be a stand alone product, not bundled with Windows. IE7 will require Windows XP SP2 or higher. Remember that support for Windows 98 has ended? Support for Windows 2000 ends this year.

There is a lot of talk about Microsoft doing this only because Firefox, an Internet Explorer alternative, has been gaining market share. To a certain extent this may be true. Internet Explorer has been rather dormant with not much more than security updates. However, I think that the delay in the next version of Windows, code named Longhorn, has caused Microsoft to scramble a little as well. Longhorn was always supposed to include a new browser. The release of Longhorn is now scheduled for 2006. This move actually allows Microsoft to test the new browser's features and gives them time to refine things before Longhorn is released.

As soon as the beta is released we will begin testing it and post our findings here.

Friday, February 11, 2005

I Love Panera Bread!

I am posting to this Blog from a table at Panera Bread in Bristol! They have free wireless Internet access. From my wireless connection here I was able to connect to my desktop at the office, connect via VPN to one of our Clients, logon to their server and resolve a printer problem. All this while eating Broccoli Cheddar soup and some kind of Turkey sandwich! And now I'm posting to this Blog.

Wireless is really becoming useful in many areas. This connection is pretty good, although it slows down every now and then. The "free" part is the best. Starbucks and even McDonald's has wireless but it can be pricey. The connection took me all of about 1 minute to complete, no big sign up forms or advertisements.

Did I mention the food is very good as well? I know where I'll be the next time I'm near a Panera Bread for lunch.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Microsoft To Purchase Anti-Virus Software Company

Microsoft announced today that it is acquiring Sybari Software, Inc., an anti-virus software company based in New York. This is the second anti-virus related company has purchased. Last year they purchased GeCAD. GeCAD technology is in the latest malware removal tool Microsoft has been distributing for free.

Microsoft began using the Sybari anti-virus product itself last year after extensive testing of anti-virus products. They feel the product is the best available solution and decided to purchase the company. Expect a Microsoft labeled anti-virus product relatively soon.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

SBC To Buy AT&T, Eliminate 13,000 Jobs

SBC is in the process of buying AT&T for about $16 Billion. Yes, the company that is losing money, laying off 7000 people, and losing lines on a monthly basis is at it again! Second announcement "We expect to eliminate approximately 13,000 positions". These guys are wizards!

I must have missed the part about how this will be a good deal for customers or stockholders. I wonder what the CEO's will make? For AT&T customers this might be good. AT&T has totally lost its way in the last few years. Today, I read an ad telling me I should use AT&T network services because they are the best in the world. Huh?

For SBC customers, well can it get much worse really? For stockholders, you might look at how the stocks of the last several mega-mergers have done.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Microsoft Releases MSN Search and Updates MSN

Yesterday, Microsoft released its MSN Search Site. It had been beta testing its search engine for a while. Previous to this release, MSN Search was hosted by Yahoo and was third most used search site behind Google and Yahoo. We'll have to see what happens now. I'm not a search expert by any means but have been using the beta for a couple of months. It seems very capable to me. Microsoft says it has big plans for its Search Site. Of course so do Google and Yahoo!

At the same time, Microsoft updated its MSN Website. They trimmed it down and added the MSN Search buttons. I have been playing around with which is a customizable portal on MSN. I think it is pretty neat. You can plug in the content you want and create custom pages like a Weekend Page that includes various plug in components like the weather, movies, dining info, etc. Very cool! They have also just added an RSS Reader component so you can get RSS feeds from your favorite RSS sites!