Monday, September 12, 2011

“After the storm” a roundtable discussion of disaster planning

While all of us have some type of disaster plan in place, even if it’s in our head, it’s a rare occasion that we can evaluate our plans with the fresh hindsight of an actual disaster.  Hurricane Irene has provided us when one of those rare opportunities.  Systems Support Group, Inc. will be presenting 2 roundtable discussions that will enable us all to be better prepared should another disaster occur.

These roundtables will bring together businesses that lived through power outages, internet outages, flood damage etc.  We will have an open discussion on how well existing disaster plans worked and what can be done better.  Bring your hurricane Irene stories and questions.

The first roundtable will be held at the Waterbury Courtyard Marriot on Thursday September 29th at 8:30am to 10:00am.  Reservations can be made by calling our office at 860-496-8684.

The second roundtable will be held at the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce in Torrington on Wednesday October 12th at 8:30am to 10:00am.  Limited reservations for non-chamber members are available by contacting our office at 860-496-8684.