Friday, March 04, 2005

64 Bit Computing On The Way

Next month, Microsoft will release Windows for 64 Bit Computers. This will begin the process of moving to a 64 bit computing platform. Actually, 64 bit computing has been around for several years. But as usual with technology leaps, the initial releases are very technical and limited in scope. With Windows becoming available for the 64 bit platform, the evolution to mainstream usage will begin.

I remember when 32 bit computing (the current platform) was starting this same process. (Do you remember the 80386 Processor? 1985) AMD actually has a leg up on the 64 bit game, releasing their 64 bit architecture quite a while before Intel. At this point both companies have tried and true 64 bit platforms. With the addition of 64 Bit Windows the evolution is under way.

What's the big deal? Well, 64 bit processors can handle twice as much information at one time and can access more memory than our national debt. So? In the short term this is usually not a big deal. Over time these features become enablers. They enable things to be done better or things that are simply not possible yet to be done on your computer. For instance, voice recognition, while it is getting much better, simply isn't there yet. With 64 bit processing it may just become a reality.

You'll hear a bunch of marketing on the 64 bit platform very soon. Don't jump with joy just yet. But give it a couple of years and amazing things are going to happen. Some prediction huh!

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