Saturday, April 16, 2011

Office 2010 Ribbon Bar to Menu Pull Down Help

We have been converting many of our Clients to Microsoft Office 2010 from various older versions of Office.  Overall, everything is going well.  However, for some Clients the Ribbon Bar, introduced in Office 2007, is causing some problems.  Even though the design of the Ribbon Bar is supposed to make finding all the the various Office functions easier, it can actually be more difficult for those that have already created a mental path to finding those functions in the old menu pull downs.  This appears to be a common problem.  To address the issue, Microsoft has created several tools to help users make the change.  You can find them here.


I have found that the Ribbon Bar is actually easier to use, but I do find that sometimes I just can’t find something that I used to be able to locate pretty quickly.  By using these tools and a little replication I can get my brain to accept the change.

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