Thursday, September 18, 2003

Preparing For Isabel

At this point it looks like we won't see much of Isabel here in Connecticut. There will be rain and pretty good winds probably starting around midnight Thursday and continuing through mid-day Friday. I would think the most we might see are some power outages and possibly some wind and water damage. As most of this will be happening during a business day, I don't think any special precautions are necessary. Of course things can change.

It's always a good idea to make sure you have an off-site backup and that the tape can actually be read back. If the power does go out in your area, I would advise that at the very least you make sure any power switches on equipment are in the off position. I would actually prefer that as much equipment as possible be unplugged from the wall during a power outage. Most of the problems that occur with power outages occur when the power comes back on. The potential initial surge is the problem. If you have areas that normally flood you should move equipment out. If an area does flood and you have equipment still there be extremely careful if you try to move it, electricity and water do not mix well! It is better to leave it until you can be sure the power to it is shut off.

Over all I don't expect to see many problems here. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the mid-Atlantic coast. Call our office if you have any questions about this storm and your IT equipment.

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