Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bill Gates Stepping Down At Microsoft

Bill Gates announced today that he will be stepping away from his full time position at Microsoft over the next two years. Ray Ozzie will be taking on the Chief Software architect duties. Gates will remain Chairman of the Board "for the foreseeable future".

I really hate to see this guy leave. I have been a fan of his over the years. I am always impressed with his communications skills. He is truly the brightest visionary in this business. But he is also 50 years old. He is the richest man in the world. I'm sure he has a few other things he would like to do.

His departure comes at a time when Microsoft is feeling pressure from companies like Google, Yahoo, and other web based companies that have developed new and innovative programs. Microsoft seems to be trying to catch up for the first time in a long time. But they have been there before and have always managed to pull it together. Even during this "tough" period they are able to net about a billion dollars a month. How can you not respect this guy?

You can find the Microsoft press release here.

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